In Conversation with Harinder Ghatora


Studying economics, I learnt that the economy is like a water bed, if one part moves, the rest of the bed has to rebalance to accommodate the change. Over time, I have come to learn that this sense of balance can also be applied to one’s life. We have moving parts which make up the whole of us and increasingly we have to access all parts of our being to bring us into a state of balance.

Around two years ago, my physical health was ailing. I found myself depressed, I had tinnitus which was compounding the depression and had chronic pain all down the left hand side of my body. I was guided to Harinder Ghatora. 

Harinder is a holistic life coach and counsellor whose recent book “The Power of Speaking Your Truth” spoke profoundly to me.

Order your copy here:

The Power of Speaking Your Truth by Harinder Ghatora

As a child I wasn’t well equipped to recognising my own needs and learnt unhealthy ways of expressing them over the years. The art of communicating my truth was not something that came naturally as I oscillated between going along with other people’s plans even when they made me angry and caused me to rage silently to turning into a fiery dragon and yelling to having my needs heard. Her book is an excellent guide to anyone wanting to empower themselves, finding their true voice and learning the art of how to communicate effectively.

 In our conversation, Harinder and I explore how physical illnesses, breakdowns, depressions can often signify spiritual awakenings and how for many of us, they are in hindsight “dark nights of the soul.” 

 In Harinder’s tool kit with her includes Divine Healing, a multidimensional, powerful healing modality. Divine Healing recognises that at the core of being we have the spark of the Divine. This pure essence of the Divine is our innate nature but here in earth school, we have a multidimensional nature with lots of parts of us. We can over time experience, distortions in the body, traumas, emotional disturbances, thoughts and beliefs holding us back in our mental body, all of which may impact the soul via the various interactions we’ve had and consequences of choices made. To address these barriers between “us” and the “Divine” part of us, Divine Healing based on the spiritual law of “ask and it shall be given”, identifies the distortions and asks them to be removed, resulting in the reprogramming of the holographic matrix, allowing a profound shift our perception and ultimately our experience of life.  

Increasinlgy this year many healers and transformational light workers have been helping many heal ancestral wounds and patterns that are passed on through DNA or through lineages and Divine Healing is a way to shine light on some of these patterns and transform them. 

 My own experience after some Divine Healing sessions with Harinder was to experience a profound physical shift. A lot of the chronic pain I have had for 10 years shifted and the tinnitus that has been with me for the last 2 years left too! (fingers crossed it doesn’t come back.) 

We also explore together the wounding of the Divine Feminine and how to balance self respect with the respect for the other and being able to communicate your truth in the kindest most loving way. 

With me, Harinder shares, the No.1 habit that brings as back into balance and also explores the energy and healing potential of colours. (Red and Gold in particular!)(This is something I love bringing to clients in my the media, image and communication coaching work)

To learn more about Harinder’s work



00.00- 2:21 Introduction to Harinder Ghatora Life Coach & Counsellor 

2:21- 3:01 Signs of a life crisis

3:01-3:48    Illness or spiritual awakening?

3:48- 6:12   Divine Healing

6:12-9:27    Examples of shifts through Divine Healing 

                      What does back ache allude to?

                      Ancestral healing

                      Fear, traumas and sabotage programme

                      Intra conflicts- get stuck

9:38-11:24   The arrogance of the lower mind. 

11:24- 12:24 Personally projected holographic matrix (The inner world                                    versus outer fixes)

12:24- 15:42 Patterns that South Asian from India and Pakistan experience: The Power of Speaking your Truth 

18:50 -19:06 Power Imbalances 

19:06- 23:14  Wounded darkside of the feminine 

23:14-24:16 Respect

24:16- 28:21 Single Habit that brings us back to balance?

28:21- 29:21 Serving others versus self-service. 

29:21- 31:18 Energy & Healing with Colours: The Colour Red

31:18- 35:00 Gold: Spiritual Healing with Gold