In Conversation with Ashok Gupta on the Coronavirus Challenge, Meditation & Healing


During this period of lockdowns, viruses and huge amount of uncertainty, I noticed a lot of fear, anxiety and stress within myself, my loved ones and many more around me. 

Tazeen.TV is a space, dedicated to spirituality, healing and growth and I have been experimenting with some high tech products for boosting immunity and my own energy management (more about these later). 

One course that is having a radical impact in dealing with Coronovirus is The Coronovirus Challenge: It was developed to help strengthen the immune system, reduce anxiety and help defend yourself against the virus. Some of the tools in this program have been scientifically shown to reduce the chances of being infected by up to 80%, and if you do develop an infection, to halve the days with symptoms.

The pioneer of this programme is Ashok Gupta. Ashok has dedicated his life to improving people’s well-being and helping them achieve their potential. He has been teaching meditation around the world for over 15years. Through his global e-clinic the Gupta Programme, he treats and supports thousands who struggle with conditions such as ME, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. Ashok has spent many years researching the brain neurology of emotion and linking well-being tools with science. He has published medical papers on the basis of stress-related illnesses. Finally, his latest work “the meaning of life tv” was developed to support transformation in others. It aims to transform the individual, the community and the world! 

To learn more about the benefits of meditation, understand better how to reprogramme your mind through the Cognitive behavioural technique Ashok uses, watch his full conversation with me below: 


00:00- 01:17 Introduction

01:17- 02:24 Ashok’s personal journey with ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

02:24 -04:22 Ashok shares his research on the connections between mind, body, spirit and the causes behind the rise in stresses were are experiencing in modern society (food, media, mental pressures).

04:22- 07:41 How does meditation help manage stressed of increased connectivity? How does regular meditation calm the mind on a deeper level?

07:41-11:17 Other benefits of meditation (process management, creativity, more efficient & effective, intuition)

11:17-16:17 Aligning with Consciousness (surrendering versus resistance, compassion, the power of the breath, self-compassion) What’s the difference between React and Create?

16:17-18:53 How do we deal with underlying unconscious emotions or stuck emotional patterns?

18:53- 22:33 The two wings of a Dove. (Relaxing the nervous system & Retraining) and the 3 Rs.

22:33- 24:43 The three Rs- can give life “meaning”.

24:43-26:48 “A wound is where we let the light in” Rumi. How dark nights of the soul can lead to transformation.”

26:48-29:30 Living from heartfelt surrender. Moving from fear based living to heartfelt surrendering.

29:30-32:34 Spiritual bypassing and how to move from linear progression to living in the spiral

32:34- 35:25 The hazards of social media. Comparing externals with the internals. Dis-identification.

35:25-38:48 How to navigate the shadows of the Light? Game Theory

38:48-43:04 Time Management (Deep work, Flow and harnessing creativity)

For more on Ashok’s work:,