In conversation with Kabir Helminski on In the House of Remembering Part II


Kabir Helminski & Tazeen continue to explore the book "In the House of Remembering." Part II of the conversation about a book exploring what it's like to be part of a sufi community. They discuss how our Creator never abandons us and is always offering us a path to return and how the human heart carries everything we need, if only we can polish it like a mirror and clear away the rubbish. They explore different quotes and selections from the book, deepening in the wisdom held in this small but beautiful book.



00:00 - 00:49 Introduction to Kabir Helsinki

00:49 - 3:42 What it means to experience “heaven on earth”

3:42 -  12:20 Sufism and the Collective

  • Worshipping the Divine together than doing it alone

  • Connection and importance through the collective experiences

  • The sweet meetings with the Lovers of God

  • Sufism implies a network of relationships through which we are always learning, witnessing and polishing

  • How we intersect and influence each other with synchronous developments under the Spiritual Reality’s watch

12:20 - 16:59 How does the AA programme and Nafs addiction. Balancing the individual and collective. The two sides of being part of a sufi community.

16:59 - 19:24 How the Vast Intelligence is on our side. Every human soul is on this journey.

19:24 - 30:21 Exploring “the butter in the milk” Rumi and introduction to Kabir’s new book, “The Mysterion.” Are you neglecting the one important reason of your existence. “Why this is NOT a one in a million chance of enlightenment.” Awakening a sustained Presence of that Divine Intelligence and Love. Remove our conditions, habits, social conditioning and brain washing. Cultivating trust in our inner owning. Nothing is wasted, everything directs us back to the straight path back to the Divine.

30:21 - 35:44 A quote from Hazrati Ali (pure Spirit embodied) and exploring the non-dual relationship of Reality.

35:44 - 41:02 Becoming an honest and objective witness. Witnessing our inner life of the soul whilst witnessing the outer life. Moving towards conscious choice and not pure reaction. Taking responsibility for the moment in consideration with outside time.

41:02 - 45:30 The religion of fear and the inner ablution. Our faults lead us back and to recognise our need for Divine love and healing.

Deen- the truth of the way things are/ The Dharma - Law of the Universe is returning us to the Divine Reality. Will we go kicking and swimming? Or will we truly commit to our Deen so that the universe can rise up and meet us.

45:30 - 49:19 Returning to the Divine Reality

49:19 - 55:58 The danger of making religion an idol versus embracing a comprehensive spiritual system.

55:58 - 1:01:41 Reminders from the book, “In the House of Remembering: The Living Tradition of Sufi” including Ibn Arabi’s famous lines,

“My heart has become able
To take on all forms.
It is a pasture for gazelles,
For monks an abbey.
It is a temple for idols
And for whoever circumambulates it, the Kaaba.
It is the tablets of the Torah
And also the leaves of the Koran.
I believe in the religion
Of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.”

1:01:41 - 1:08:11 Being a lover of God

Tazeen Dhunna